Post Natal Physio

The Tummy Gap

Diastasis Recti 
Separation of the tummy muscles is a problem that you may be left with as a result of your muscles not coming back together after you have had a baby. In some it can prevent optimal core function. It can often mean you can still look pregnant, months after giving birth. Physiotherapy can check for such a separation and if found, can assist in giving you the right advice and a tailored individual specific exercise programme to restore function and improve appearance.  

For assessment of the core please book a Post natal assessment/ Mummy MOT

Post-natal Pain

Some women develop pain around their pelvic region or lower back during pregnancy and this may remain in the post-partum period. This may be causing you worry or frustration as you are trying to look after the baby but your aches and pains are getting in the way!  Physiotherapy can help to get to the route of the problem through the right advice, education, exercise and hands on treatment.

For assessment of the core please book a Post natal assessment/ Mummy MOT.

Incontinence & Prolapse

Stress incontinence is the leakage of urine upon exertion (e.g. a cough, sneeze, sport). Urge incontinence is the leakage of urine upon or immediately after your body tells you that you need the toilet, often resulting in accidents before you make the toilet.

Prolapse is the descent of a pelvic organ below its normal anatomical position. Physiotherapy can help to treat both kinds of incontinence and mild to moderate prolapses by giving advice and education, retraining your bladder, strengthening your pelvic floor muscle and/or providing pessary support.

For assessment book a Pelvic floor assessment.